Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Food Hangover

Is it possible to have a Food Hangover? I'm beginning to think it is. It's happened to me twice now, ever since I started watching what I eat. (Since I won't say the "d-word" and seem to say "Watching What I Eat" a lot, can I just trademark it? Call it WWIE? I think I will.)
So, since I am WWIEing and I do allow myself to indulge from time to time, when I over do it, I wake up the next morning with a Food Hangover. I feel sluggish, I have a head ache. My stomach is all kinds of messed up, and I just want to lay on the couch watching movie marathons and keep the curtains closed and the sunlight out.
Has this happened to anyone else who WWUE? (see what I did there?)
A couple of weeks ago, Hubby and I had a date night. Stopped at a local pub for a bite to eat. I tried to convince myself that I was good by eating a Chicken Caeser Salad instead of a big, greasy pub burger and fries...but who am I kidding? Those salads are not exactly healthy eating either. Plus, I shared a plate of fried calamari with Hubby. (Hey, it's sea food!! Sea Food=Healthy, no?)
Then, we went home. Watched some t.v. and around midnight got the stupid urge to pretend we are 18 again and order Domino's. First off, Domino's does not taste like it did back in the day. So, either their pizza making skills have become sucky over the past 20 years or I'm just getting older and they always sucked but I was too young (and stoned?) to realize it back in the day.
So, the pizza sucked. The boneless wings, which were really just breaded chunks of Chicken Ass and you had to put your own sauce on it, sucked. But...I went into carb and fat and calorie overload and wolfed it down anyway.
And the next morning? Oh, I was not in good shape. I did manage do to my daily walk on the treadmill...but that was all I did. All day. Food Hangover struck for the first time.
I told my hubby I had a Food Hangover. He told me there is no such thing and that I was crazy.
This past Sunday, I went to my BFF's house to help her celebrate her Great Aunt's 89th birthday. Very inspirational. This Birthday Lady is still on top of her game. Very spry. Still lives on her own. Still drives. Still in good shape for 89. Crap, she's in better shape than ME. I have no doubt she could out-run me.
And at this small, intimate dinner for this Lovely, Inspirational Lady who is someone we should all model ourselves after and thrive to be (healthy at almost 90), I ate. And ate. And ate some more.
I wanted to WWIE. I really did. I went there with the whole healthy mind frame. I even lugged a big ole' bottle of Poland Spring for the hour car ride there, telling myself over and over to fill up on the water so I won't eat as much.
I walked in and avoided the bowls of Doritos. So many times, I found myself inching towards the bowl, but I reminded myself that I was WWIE!!
The apps came out. Shrimp cocktail with this amazing cocktail sauce that the Birthday Lady made. I ate that because...hey! It's sea food!! Healthy!!
Stuffed Mushrooms that I made (you can find the recipe at my other blog: www.themoviejunkiecooks.blogspot.com. just look in the archives). Lots of butter and breadcrumbs and olive oil in those things. But I was good girl and didn't eat one. Ok...I don't eat mushrooms ever, so it really wasn't about being good.
Cherry tomatoes and mini mozzarella balls in a vinaigrette dressing. Good Lord I LOVE fresh mozzarella, but I actually amazed myself by not eating any. I filled myself up by eating some of the shrimp and drinking lots of wine. So proud of myself. What? Wine passes right through you. Plus it's made from grapes. It's a FRUIT when you think of it. (see how I convince myself of these things?)
Then dinner. Here's where it all falls apart for me.
First of all, I made Chicken Cutlet Parm at the Birthday Lady's request. And they were BIG cutlets. Breaded, fried, and smothered with slices of Mozzarella Cheese. I asked my hubby to please split a Cutlet with me and he said no, he wanted his own piece. Greedy bastard. So, I ate a whole HUGE Cutlet. At least my Marinara Sauce was low in fat and healthy.
And then there was my BFF's meal. An Amazing Pot Roast. Different Veggies on the side. Biscuits. And her Potato Pancakes. All at the request of her Great Aunt.
Let's talk about those Potato Pancakes. As Amazing as her other stuff was (the pot roast!!! YUM!!), I was in Carb Overload with the Potato Pancakes. I went into Carb Overdose with the Potato Pancakes. They were so awesome! Fluffy and Oniony and Potato-y. Just good, good, good!!
And of course, I bought some home with me and continued snacking on them while watching True Blood.
And the next day? Yep. Food Hangover. Strikes again.
(and this is where I stopped blogging because I thought I was getting dizzy, only to notice my pool water getting choppy, my dogs suddenly perky, and my lights swaying...EARTHQUAKE!!! Haven't felt an Earthquake since the 80's!!! This just doesn't happen here!!!)

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