Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What I do Best: Rambling

Just some Ramblings while I WWIE (watch what I eat, because I do not diet!). It's what I do best. Ramble.
First of all and perhaps my most important and honest declaration: MUST GET OFF BUTT!! Seriously. I have not done my daily walk or ride in days. I will admit that I got quite the work out preparing for Hurricane Irene. Like dirty, disgusting, grimy, sweaty work out. Cleaning a garage out to make room for the outdoor stuff is nasty work. And moving the outdoor stuff from yard to garage is even nastier work. I was sweaty, filthy, bitten up by mosquitoes, feared for my life in case I saw a snake, and at one point I'm pretty sure I touched a slug. That's enough to get the cardiac system going.
But now there is no more excuses. I MUST WALK! I MUST BIKE!! Plus, I got this really cool twisty thingy....it looks like a Frisbee. You stand on it and twist. I'll be twisting...twisting...twisting the night awaaaaaayyyyyy. Hey, remember Rod Stewart sang that for the movie "Innerspace"? Martin Short is in the video. He's hilarious. Every time I hear that song Twisting the Night Away, I think of Martin Short and Innerspace. And then I think of Dennis Quaid. Because I looooooove Dennis Quaid. He's on my list. And yes, it's laminated.
Wow...that was a ramble within a ramble!
Next Ramble:
I love cheese. I really love cheese. And cheese can be a good thing when I WWIE. It goes with the whole dairy is good for you, no carb kinda way of thinking. But I tried Weight Watchers brand cheeses for little snacks. I must say...not bad at all. It ain't no gourmet, yummy, upper class, rich cheese. But it hits that cheese craving spot. Their string cheese is actually stringier than other brands. I especially like the smoked mozzarella one. It not only hits the cheese crave spot, but there's something about the smokiness that reminds me a bit of eating a good grilled piece of meat in a Pub.
But my favorite is the sliced Weight Watchers cheese. I put two slices on one side of a low fat tortilla and pop it in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Fold the tortilla over and I got a quesadilla. It's a great easey-peasey, no muss no fuss lunch that completely satisfies the grilled cheese monster in me.
Another Ramble. I admit, I miss things when I watch what I eat. I admit, it takes a ton of will power to say no to buttery pop corn when we have "Universal Family Movie Night" in preparation for our Universal Studios vacation. And things that I would never find appetizing are suddenly looking or smelling real good to me.
For example, here's a conversation from me and my husband last week:
I'm in the den, watching Jeopardy. I hear him rummaging around in the kitchen. Then a delicious scent wanders into the den. Something meaty and savory.
Me: What's you making in there?
Him: Nothing.
Me: No, really. What is it. It smells really good.
Him: Really. I'm not making anything.
Me: You're cooking something!!! What is it? I can smell it.
Him: Not cooking anything. Just...feeding...the dogs!
Yes, ladies and gents...dog food now smells awesome to me. Which is good to know because if I ever have to survive on a island with a volleyball and a Fed Ex crate of dog food....I'm good.
Final Rambling (and shameless plug):
The kids and I made these Cool Whip Cookies the other day. YUM!! You can read about it here: www.themoviejunkiecooks.blogspot.com . But here's something I didn't mention in that blog: I used Lite Cool Whip. It works. I think you can even use Fat Free. I'm gonna try that next time. So you can have your cookie and eat it too!!
Now, go and youtube Rod Stewart's Twisting the Night Away video and laugh at Martin Short dancing. And I guarantee you the song will be stuck in your head for days. I know it's already planted in mine.

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