Friday, August 19, 2011

A Little Auto-Biography

If you know me or have read my other blogs (ramblings of a movie junkie or the movie junkie cooks), then you know two major things about me: I like to watch movies. I like to cook. LOVE to watch movies and I LOVE to cook.
I'm also an unpublished writer (aren't we all?) and a Mom of two. Also have a zoo in my house (three dogs, two turtles, one cat, and a partridge in a pear tree).
So, those are the things that define me:
Animal Lover
Movie Junkie
So, let's get to the Movie Junkie and Cook part...because that is what ultimately led me to this point in my life...and this blog. You see, when all you do is pretty much sit around and watch movies and cook as hobbies, the time you reach my age, let's face're gonna get fat.
And that's where I am. I am 39 years old and fat. I'm fat because I sit around a lot. I love to watch movies and t.v. I love to read. I love to browse the Internet.
I am fat because I love to cook. And, not to toot my own horn...ok, I will toot my own horn: I'm a pretty damn good cook for the most part. And good food means good eating.
When January rolled around, I decided I needed to control my life and health more. How fat am I? Well, in height, I'm Snooki-sized. A tiny little thing. But weight wise, I could stand to lose a good 80 lbs.
So, I started the New Year with all these goals and resolutions just like the rest of the country. And fell off the bandwagon and climbed back on, only to fall off again. We've all been there. Back and forth. Eating healthy one day only to cram fat and calories and alcohol down our throats the next. No? Just me?
Then I turned 39 and it just kept nagging me that I am just NOT healthy. My back is going. My hips are going. My knees are starting to bother me. And it's not age. It's weight.
A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I made a quick decision that we are going to Universal Studios in October. And that bought me back to our Disney trip in 2009. I remembered how much pain I was in by the end of each day with my feet, my back, my hips. And I just don't want that again.
So, here I am. As of August 1st, I made some new rules for myself. Now, I KNOW I'm not going to lose a ton of weight before our trip, but I just want to feel better about myself. Every pound will help. Every pound I lose is one less pound I have to lug around the theme parks.
I've been eating better. MUCH better. I do allow myself a cheat day. I'm laying off the wine and margaritas (grudgingly). And I'm exercising. 1 mile walking. 1.5 mile biking.
Results so far?
Down 7 pounds since August 1st.
Down 4 pounds this past week.
Down 19 pounds total since January.
Not too bad. By blogging, I hope to share some tips that get me through this process. And maybe you'll leave some tips in the comments section too...if anyone is out there.
And I hope that some one can relate with the struggle. I didn't think I'd be this heavy at 35. Never thought I would be this heavy at 39. I don't want to be this heavy and out of shape at 40.
Also...does anyone really like exercising? I LOATHE it!!! So BOR-RING!!!

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